Monday, May 23, 2011

Dear World...

Yeah right, I'm not talking to you, World! You do weird stuff like put this really gross pulpy raspberry filling in what would have otherwise been a perfectly delicious donut! ALSO - you smell funny!

I had a dilemma when I went to the store this evening. For firstly, I felt way too good about myself (meaning I felt pretty) to be in a place where you can spend money. I just saw something and thought, "Oh! I wanted that five months ago! I totally deserve it!" And then I threw it in the basket. I did that many times. And it. Felt. GREAT! I seriously don't feel bad about it because all the things I purchased I've been wanting to buy for awhile but I keep forgetting.

In case you're wondering, I did not buy any food which would be considered good for eating. I got oreos and milk. Yeah. I'm hopeless. Back to Wendy's with me!

I enjoyed FHE tonight. And then I left early still. Ha. But it was better than ward prayer LAST night when I felt like a fat lard. I'm noticing a pattern of when I like MYSELF I tend to be HAPPIER.

So the moral of the story is, if you're having a good day where you looked in the mirror and didn't go "Blegh!" -- make the best of it, go hang out with lots of people, because it'll make you happy. And other people like happy people. Also, during this time period, avoid places where you can use your debit card.

You're welcome in advance.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Monkey See Monkey Do

So Trina is restarting her blog, I figured I could be all cool and try as well. Yeah. That'll last...the next ten minutes. Anyway. I am NOT going to do happy things like her, because I find joy in pessimism. For example, Ugh. I'm so much more ATTRACTIVE than people. No one understands me and my beauty...

Not really. No seriously. Not really.

SO you want to know what I've been doing lately? Well, after breaking up with my boyfriend (we'll call him Coffee Table because that was the first thing I saw), I became an official recluse. Even church has no social interest to me. And I've been reading.

Beautiful wonderful GLORIOUS reading! It's been great. I re-read Brandon Sanderson's Elantris (pretty much awesome) and then read for the first time his The Way of Kings which was also pretty much cool (I felt really smart finding all the palindromes before anyone even mentioned they were there for a reason). I've otherwise been sifting through my library attempting to find things I want to read again. Right now I'm reading the Harry Potter books again! And The Prisoner of Azkaban is just waiting for me to put my laptop down and give it the attention it deserves. Almost there, darling, I'll be with you soon.

Oh oh oh! I work too. That's actually kind of an important part of my daily day because it is kind of the only productive part. Also, I got a raise today. I'm still a little surprised about it. My boss and I were going over a spreadsheet thing and BAM he just said, "You get a raise!" Well, if you insist, Master Wonderful Boss Man. If you insist.

Now I shall ditch this blog-writing thing for something more interesting - READING! I told you I would lose interest fast. Ha. Look at this. And Trina was concerned that she wouldn't be as deep as other people. Very well, I'll say something intelligent and wise-sounding to be an offish blogger. You may quote me. "No matter what you say, yack, or jabber -- if it has 'blogspot' in the URL, it is a blog." Thank you, all, please, have a wonderful rest of your life!